Demi Lovato - Dancing With The Devil…The Art of Starting Over (Expanded Edition) - [Albums]

Albums 03-04-2021, 08:49


Demi Lovato - Dancing With The Devil…The Art of Starting Over (Expanded Edition)
Label Island Records
Nombre de pistes 22
Genre POP, R'n'B

01. Demi Lovato - Anyone
02. Demi Lovato - Dancing With The Devil
03. Demi Lovato - ICU (Madison's Lullabye)
04. Demi Lovato - Intro
05. Demi Lovato - The Art Of Starting Over
06. Demi Lovato - Lonely People
07. Demi Lovato - The Way You Don't Look At Me
08. Demi Lovato - Melon Cake
09. Demi Lovato - Met Him Last Night
10. Sam Fischer, Demi Lovato - What Other People Say
11. Demi Lovato - Carefully
12. Demi Lovato - The Kind Of Lover I Am
13. Demi Lovato - Easy
14. Demi Lovato - 15 Minutes
15. Demi Lovato - My Girlfriends Are My Boyfriend
16. Demi Lovato - California Sober
17. Demi Lovato - Mad World
18. Demi Lovato - Butterfly
19. Demi Lovato - Good Place
20. Demi Lovato - I Love Me
21. Sam Smith, Demi Lovato - I'm Ready
22. Marshmello, Demi Lovato - OK Not To Be OK

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Taille154 Mo

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